200 Gram Gluten-free oat flour
60 Gram Coconut oil
5 TBSP Almond milk
3 TBSP Honey or coconut syrop
2 TBSP Mixed spice
1 TBSP Cinnamon
1 TBSP Baking powder
1 TSP Vanilla
6 Dates
- Preheat your oven to 175 degrees and add a layer of baking paper onto your oven tray
- Chop the dates into small slices
- Add the chopped dates and all the other ingredients into a big bowl
- Mix it all up with a manual blender or a food processor and leave it for 10 min
- You could try a bit of the dough, it might need a bit extra of something
- Make tiny balls from the dough (just as you would make small soup balls)
- Add all the balls onto your baking tray, not too close to each other as they will get bigger in the oven
- Put them into your oven and they will be ready in around 15/20 min
Yes, they definitely taste different (NOT WORSE) than the “Kruidnoten” we are buying in the supermarket but we do not have to feel guilty after eating those.
Let us know what you think about our traditional “Sinterklaas” snack!
SeySo ♥
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